richard künz, square design in mailberg
richard künz, square design in mailberg
richard künz, square design in mailberg
richard künz, square design in mailberg

richard künz


square design in mailberg

Originally the community of Mailberg
considered having the fountain on the main square redesigned. Given the walled fountain ring there was already a place for this. However, it soon became clear that the unsatisfactory
situation with the bus shelter and war monument made it necessary to rethink the initiative. The givens were the shape of the square which was determined by the traffic-technical requirements on its boundaries, and the bus stop shelter. The war monument situated right in front of the shelter prompted various considerations. In spite of efforts made by the jury it was not possible to have the position of the war monument moved, even though the old plinth construction bearing the inscription plate had been dismantled. Richard Künz, however, was able to mount the figure of the young man with the sword that was originally placed on the base on an erratic block from the Waldviertel at an equally imposing height as previously. This impression could not be altered even by the incorporation of the total spatial ensemble and the juxtaposition with the new fountain. The plate is included in the arch-shaped construction with the benches and the ground is defined by various stone ornaments.
(Susanne Neuburger)