© Iris Andraschek u. Hubert Lobnig, Fratres, 2019

andraschek iris u. lobnig hubert

die verwandlung – borders are vacillating

Die Verwandlung (The Transformation) – Borders are Vacillating
Temporary installations and exhibition, initiated and curated by Iris Andraschek and Hubert Lobnig, with nine international artists, at the border crossing between Fratres and Slavonice, commissioned by the Lower Austrian Department of Art and Culture/Public Art Lower Austria with support from the town of Waldkirchen an der Thaya.

Ana Teresa Fernández (MEX), Marlene Hausegger (A), Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza (ECU), Moritz Matschke (A), Filippo Minelli (I), Thea Moeller (D), Alban Muja (RKS),
Hannes Zebedin (A), Martin Zet (CZ)

As well as a project by students of the TU Vienna - Institute for Art and Design and projects by Agnieska Kalinowska, Abbé Libansky and Friedemann Derschmidt with reference to 2014.



* temporary project