Heidi Schatzl "Die Manuskripte des Ernst F. Brod", 2018, Foto: o.T. (Hund in Wehrmachtsuniform), c: Anton Höller, Privatarchiv Gertraud Harrauer

04.09.18 bis 04.09.18, 18.30 uhr

st. pölten

heidi schatzl

Reading, Book Presentation, Concert
"Die Manuskripte des Ernst F. Brod"

Tuesday, 2018 September 4, 6.30 p.m.
Haus der Geschichte
Kulturbezirk 5, 3100 St. Pölten

With: Cornelia Offergeld (curator), Heidi Schatzl (artist), Andreas Suttner (architecture historian), Johanna Zechner (curator Museum ERLAUF ERINNERT)

Presenter: Colette M. Schmidt (Der Standard)

Music: Roman Britschgi Quartett

The book is based on the exhibition "The Examined Life / Das geprüfte Leben" by Heidi Schatzl. "Dear Ernst F. Brod, - Eine Antwort", a version of the exhibition revised with students from the collegiate grammar school Melk, can be seen until the end of September 2018 in the Museum ERLAUF ERINNERT.

More about the book
More about the Museum ERLAUF ERINNERT