© KGP Kranzbinder Gabriele Production

10.10.19 bis 10.10.19, 19.00 uhr


ein dorf in der geschichte

Und in der Mitte, da sind wir (S. Brameshuber, 2014)
Thursday, 10th October 2019, 7 pm
Tischlerei Melk Kulturwerkstatt

Abt Karl-Straße 27a, 3390 Melk

Film screening followed by a talk with Sebastian Brameshuber and pupils from the Stiftgymnasium Melk in the context of the presentation of a mediation project in cooperation with Christian Rabl and Johanna Zechner / Zeithistorisches Zentrum Melk. Moderation: Alejandro Bachmann

Brameshuber's film deals with young people in Ebensee and accompanies four teenagers through their everyday lives for a year. Both the fact that they live on the site of a former concentration camp, as well as the events surrounding the concentration camp memorial service in 2009 form the background of the film. At the center, however, is the question of how one grows up, lives and is perceived from the outside in such a place, which is woven into history in this way.

The film and discussion series A Village in History, curated by Alejandro Bachmann, explores the question of the role of villages in reflecting on and remembering upheavals in the history of the 20th century in four places in Lower Austria and in dialogue between residents, films and guests Century play.

As part of the workshop, the film was viewed and discussed with students of the Stiftgymnasium, and then worked with the association "MERKwürdig" on cinematic miniatures, which ask in what way the former concentration camp Melk plays a role in the students' daily lives.

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